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An Iconic Comb

Currently, these grow outs are young and growing and nothing will be done until Quarter 2 of 2023. 

We have 3 cockerels and 1 pullet to choose from to start our line but have 15 more chicks coming from Sandhill Preservation. This breed will take some work as I work on increasing egg size to large and getting the comb to be a complete cup along with all the other breed characteristics. 

Buttercups: About


As their name says these birds originated in Sicily, but the farmers there only cared about the comb and the green legs, at that time there was no standard type or color. 
Buttercups were introduced to America in 1835, 1860, and 1892. They grew in popularity in the 1900s and were accepted into the APA in 1918. 
Historically they laid large white eggs but now they tend to be small to medium white eggs. Defiantly, a trait that needs to be worked towards!



The Buttercup is deemed a Critical Breed by the Livestock Conservancy. That means there are less than 200 annual registrations in the US each year and less than 500 in the global population!


If you are looking to keep a part of history alive this would be a great breed for you to get! They are great foragers, and friendly but active! They are an average layer. They are good in a mixed flock as long as they are not confined.



First check out the APA for the breed Standard!
The Buttercup Comb! This comb should be cupped shaped, resembling a flower blossom. 
The males are red to orange with a black tail where the females are golden buff with black spangles.
They are a smaller standard breed but also have a bantam variety as well!
We will be working towards the standard of perfection for our flock.



Pullets & Cockerels

0-2 Weeks $7 Each

3-4 Weeks $14 Each

5-8 Weeks $21 Each

9-12 Weeks $28 Each

13-20 Weeks $35 Each

21-24 Weeks $42 Each

7-9 Months  $45+ Each



As we only have 1 Hen this year the amount of eggs that could possibly be offered to the public will be very minimal, if they are offered at all. 

Maximum Order of Buttercup Eggs will be 5

Hatching Eggs will $5/ Egg



As we Learn and Develop our Eye for this Breed we will evolve this list. As we have more chicks to select from this will evolve as well. 

  • Completed Comb (Meaning fully cupped and not split at the top like this chick is)

  • Tail Angles at 45 Degrees (Most tend to be very high) 

  • Our Line of Buttercups will continually be selected for Medium to Large Size Eggs and more Layer Productivity 

Buttercups: News
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